Steamtown Hot Yoga & Barre

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Easy Summer Solstice Ritual Ideas

Summer Solstice refers to a three day period when the sun appears to stand still in the sky, resulting in the longest daylight hours and the shortest nights. This happens in June in the Northern Hemisphere and in December in the Southern Hemisphere. Summer Solstice also marks the official beginning of Summer.

Cultures across time and the globe have marked this season with celebrations that gather together family, friends, and communities, in fertility rituals, marriages, religious worship, bonfires, harvest and planting festivals, and even olympic games.

All of these festivals shared the commonality of inviting the light of the world, the energy of the season, and the wealth to sun to bring good luck and plenty to all who participate. (Check out this great article here to learn more!)

How will you welcome and honor the season? 

At SHY, in the past we have gathered at this time for a sunset meditation. This year, we decided to celebrate with a party at the ballgame — thanks to all who were able to attend! 

Personally, Yanni and I attend a big family party at my in-laws where we celebrate all the solstice birthdays (of which there are four!!!) and coordinate our Greece travel plans for the summer. Everyone is excited to be together and it is an annual family tradition that started well before I married into the family. I’m grateful to be a part of it now. 

Below are some Summer Solstice celebration ideas for you. And remember, Solstice is actually a three day period that is just starting today, so you have plenty of time!

  • Practice Yoga with us. Grounding into your body through time on the mat increases your powers of intention, which allows you to better manifest your desires and actualize your dreams.

  • Call a friend and visit with friends and family. After over a year of isolation, it’s time to gather again. And in TCM, Summer corresponds emotionally with unconditional love. The more love we give, the more love we get!

  • Enjoy a picnic or bbq. Breaking bread in community is so healing. 

  • Take time for gratitude. The ancient solstice rituals always involved giving thanks, and gratitude is an easy way to open the heart and allow joy to flow. 

Thanks for reading and I wish you all the sunshine, love, and abundance of the season. 

